Saturday, November 12, 2011

Baby Mozart!!!

Today i decided to pull out my keyboard and practice. While pulling out my hair watching the youtube video of the Charlie Brown Christmas song trying to play it, my son starts fussing. I started talking to him to try and calm him down but it was clear he wanted OUT of his bouncer. So i picked my little brat up and sat him on the bed in front of the piano. And wouldn't you know the darnedest thing happend.....he started to PLAY!!! Well i guess you just have to see it to believe it!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Just Breathe!!!

As Monday approaches, i find myself trying to be more and more up beat about my husband going to train and deploying. I was watching Toy Story 3 with my son and i started to tear up. I dont know why but i just got sad. I have to keep reminding myself it's just two weeks. And once i get over that part i have to tell myself its just 6 months and then he will be back. But so much can happen in 6 months!!!  By then our son will be walking and saying real words. He will have teeth and know how to chew things. I can go on and on about the milestones he will miss and then i spiral deeper into sadness. I know that he will be serving our country but he is irreplaceable in our lives  no matter the reason. Like every Troop over sea's missing their childs birth or 5th anniversary, I know he is happy that he has a family to return home too. And when i put things into perspective i have to tell myself........JUST BREATHE.

Bring Out The Candy!!!

Traditionally, All hallow's eve was a pagan holiday to celebrate the dead. It is said that the veil to the spirit world is at its weakest, which allows you to communicate with your deceased loved ones. Since being on base i have realized that a lot of people don't celebrate or know the true meaning of Halloween. Most american's associate it with costumes and buckets of candy. Not really knowing it's true meaning, they dress up there children as Batman and princesses, and follow behind them as they walk around the neighborhood collecting goodies. Whether you believe in ghost or  simply choose not to acknowledge them, there is no better excuse for you child to dress up as there favorite super hero or character than Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Going Away........

So last night my husband got the official call that instead of leaving in December, he leaves in two weeks for training. For the record let me say this BLOWS!!! I must say that this should not be a shock to me. After all, being a military wife we know these this are coming but that doesnt make it easier. I want to go into a closet and cry, but instead i have to be a support system for my husband and family. I just wish i got to have my husband to my self atleast for a year!
Now dont get me wrong i love the fact that my husband is in the military. He is going out to fight for our rights and freedom. Forgive me if i sound selfish but i believe his son needs him more. I guess im just sad that im going to miss my husband. Keep us in your prayers!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Born Day!!!

One of our featured moms, Tamara McGregor, just gave birth to a healthy 6lbs 5oz baby boy!!! Welcome to the world Marcus Rashad Brooks Jr. Your mommy and daddy waited nine WHOLE months to meet you! Congrats Marcus and Tamara!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mighty Mom!!!

I applaud single mothers; they are some of the strongest women in the world. Since becoming a mother I understand that we make sacrifices for our children but these women pay the ultimate price. These women sacrifice so much for their children, going to school to make a better life for them. Sometimes working multiple jobs to make sure their children are taken care of.  Although i am not a single parent my mother was, and i watched how trying it can be. My mother would miss Piano recitals, Harmony concerts and honors day programs, It's not that she didn’t want to be there but she had to work to support us. I could not imagine missing ANY part of my son’s life. I appreciate what my mother did for me and I hope children of single parents appreciate it too. This next mom is the example of pushing forward through adversity, everyone meet Shanteria.
Hello everyone my name is Shanteria Scrutchins. I am a single 23 year old proud parent of a 3yr old daughter named Zy’Khia. I am a full time student, parent, and I work a full time job. The purpose of writing this column is to give some encouragement to young, single mothers and married women my age. Anything is possible when u believe in yourself. If you have a good support system, and strive for nothing but the best you can accomplish anything. My daughter was my motivation to better myself. I wanted to set a good example for her and show her that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. As of September 23rd 2011, my hard work has paid off. I am now a young successful Registered Pharmacy Technician.

Monday, October 3, 2011

G.I. MOM!!!

Happy Belated birthday to our next super mom. Aminah is a Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force and a soon to be mommy of a little boy. She makes ABU's look good!!!

 A little over six years ago I never would have thought that I would be in the military, and pregnant no less. After I joined the military I would see all these pregnant women wearing their maternity BDUs and ABUs (Battle Dress Uniform & Airman Battle Uniform) and I would think to myself that I wouldn’t be one of those women whom I felt were weak and simple, that I’d do my time and have my babies after I got out. Now that I’m pregnant and still in the military I see things so much differently. Yes, there are a handful of women who get pregnant for the wrong reasons (mainly to avoid deployments and to separate), but there are the women who feel like it’s their time to become mothers and/or want to grow their families. The women who do everything they can for their unborn children are the strongest women in my opinion. We are working women who have to make choices and difficult decisions, we have to make wills as 20 & 30-somethings just in case something happens to us when we get deployed, we still have to wake up at the crack of dawn and work 8-12 hours a day. The thing that keeps me going, though, is this tiny little person inside of me who is going to depend on me for his every need for the next 18 years. Sitting at my desk at work is exhausting; sometimes I find it hard to keep my eyes open, but when I feel those kicks and punches and weird little flips I somehow become energized.

I don’t know if how I feel differs from a non-military mother-to-be, but I know my experiences are definitely different. I still PT 3-5 times a week (I have mandatory PT at least 3 times), maybe not as intense as I used to PT, but I still want to keep my baby and myself healthy. I still work weekend duty. Oh, and the first trimester was ridiculous. I was always tired and nauseous and I had to sit at that desk for 8 hours a day and deal with it (although my supervisors were very understanding when things got really bad and I had to go home early). Not only did I usually have to deal with the symptoms, but also I was running a training program while writing the materials for it, so I had to be at work all the time. Luckily the program tapered off along with my first trimester symptoms.

The biggest thing I’m dealing with right now is the fear of the future of my career in conjunction with being a mother. We only get 6 months with our babies before we start getting tasked with deployments again and sometimes we already know what’s going to happen as soon as we return to work. That’s not something to look forward to. Things like that can really ruin plans we have for our little ones, such as breast feeding and getting them acclimated with us without any physical interruptions and disappearances. That’s probably the biggest thing any military mom has to deal with. All in all, military mothers have to be strong women to deal with some of the things that pop up, but military mothers also have the strongest network of military as well as non-military women to rely on, which is beyond necessary when raising a military child.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just Like Daddy!!!

Many young women are giving birth to babies without the fathers being present to support and help raise them. "Baby mama's" and "Baby Daddy's" have become a staple of today's society,  shows like "Teen Mom" make it look more glamours than it really is. There is always so much talk about men not playing active roles in there children's lives, whether by choice or force. I am a firm believer, especially with boys, that your mother can raise you but she cannot teach you how to be a man. So i decided to showcase a father who is not only financially supportive but helping to shape the life of his child. We salute the real men who take care of their responsibilities!!!
                                           Charles and Charles Jr. "CJ" on his 1st birthday!!!

                                                         "Can i do it by myself now daddy?"

                                                        "You DO know it's hot out here right?" 

                                                                  "Tag your're IT!!!" 

                                                  "One day i'll be big and strong like my daddy!"

Monday, September 26, 2011

You Are My Sunshine!!!!

Daughters are the best, especially the ones born on July 14th! Not only do Alexandria a.k.a. Tilly and I share a birthday, we also have our daddy's wrapped around our finger and  mommy's who adore us! The Leonard's share the story of the sunshine of their lives, Tilly!

Matthew and Shieta Leonard, married April 30th 2010, Daughter Alexandria Leonard born July 14, 2010.


                                                 Mommy and Daddy’s little princess!!!

Like many parents, Matthew and myself are still in shock (a year later), that we are parents to a beautiful fourteen month old, she is the highlight of our lives, everything we do is for her, we want her to have the world. We are so thankful that God was able to trust us to raise one of his own children and we are going to make him proud. Matthew is in the US Air Force and I am perusing my degree in health care administration online with the University of Phoenix. In my spare time, I like to cook and spend time with my family. We are currently stationed in Arizona, the grand canyon state!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Boys Will Be Boys!!!

A few pictures of the Wingfield men!
                                          Sebastian and his daddy checking out a soccer game.

                                                          In his "Big Boy" clothes!

                                           "When I grow up i want to be as cool as you!"

                    "The Pride of a Man is The Son That Will Defend Him."- Shamiski Wingfield

                                                                    "Just like daddy!"

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gimme a Break!!!!!!!!!!

  Having a baby is stressful enough, and even more so if this is your first pregnancy. I SO wish i had this list to look at after i had my son!!! So here are a few pointers i came up with:
   Top Ten ways to maintain your sanity after having a baby!

1.       SLEEP- sleep as much as possible!!! When  your baby sleeps ,so should you. I didn’t listen when people told me this and I found myself extremely irritable around bedtime. Babies have no concept of its night time so we need to go to sleep, therefore you have to catch a nap when you can.
2.       Showers- When I was pregnant I used to take 45minute showers because I loved the feel of the hot water hitting my belly. I loved showers more than taking a bath. But after giving birth to my son via C-section I couldn’t get in the tub if I wanted too. After a long day of feeding a crying baby and changing  diapers I was pulling out my hair. I learned to appreciate something as small as taking a shower. Something about the steam and hot water pounding away baby drool and the stress of the day just relaxes you and puts you in a better mood for nighttime.
3.       Get up and move around- sometimes, we as new moms are so tired that we just want to lay in the bed and on the couch all day and not move. But honestly you will feel so much better if you get up and walk around. I started getting cabin fever for laying on the couch literally all day and night so I would walk to my kitchen, put a chair by the door and let the sunlight hit my face. I felt 10 times better after that.
4.      Maintain your beauty routine- I know during the end most women are over trying to look cute and ready to deliver. Once the baby gets here trust me that feeling won’t change. If you were accustomed to going to the salon then go (after your 6 week check up of course)!!! You will feel so much better just by getting your hair washed!
5.      Eat what you want- Now is not the time to be worried about your pre-pregnancy diet. EAT!!! For breast feeding moms you will need those extra calories because you will burn through them quickly breastfeeding.
6.      Have company- preferably someone who is not your mother or father ( only because some parents can bombard you with advice and you can become frustrated). We all need interaction other that your child and spouse, especially during this time. Having a friend or family member over can give you time to nap, take a shower, or catch up on your cleaning.
7.      Read- from pregnancy till now I have read 17+ books in my spare time.  It gives you something to think about other than feeding schedules!
8.      Surf the web- Since  I go to the outside world I brought the outside world to me. You can keep in touch with your friends and family via skype, oovoo and facebook.
9.     Join a support group- If you are a first time mom everything doesn’t warrant a call to the doctor. Other moms may have some helpful insight or advice. You can always call or email them with questions. For breast feeding moms, you can check if your city has a La Leche League.  All other moms can contact your local hospital or Google MOPS in you area. 
10. If I didn’t mention this let me do it now…oh I did... SLEEP- you do not know how important it is for you to rest so get it while you can because crawling is just months away!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Round and Loving it!!!

Pregnancy can be hard, but there are some women who just breeze right through it. This is the story of one of those lucky women!

Hi, my name is Tamara McGregor and this is my first pregnancy! I am a first-time mother and I will be having a baby boy in October. This experience with being pregnant has forever changed my life. I cannot believe in just a few short weeks I will be someones mother! I have pretty much had a laid back pregnancy. From the beginning, I have not experienced an ounce of morning sickness (Thank God!). I have not had any major weight gain as I was very worried about that. I have had the pleasure (LOL) of experiencing heartburn throughout these eight months either. The only thing that I really had to deal with was very bad tension headaches and that goes for both my first and third trimesters. My second trimester was literally a breeze and was probably the best time I have had out of the three. Although I have had to make some life changing decisions, I would not change them for the world! I love this little guy to death and I havent even met him yet!
Eating has NOT been a problem for me as I had a hefty appetite pre-pregnancy, but the problem I did have was finding bottoms that fit. I came up with a solution to that problem: tights. In these last few weeks, I have found myself to be more exhausted and not able to move as fast as Im used to moving around, which is very frustrating. I also have experienced the pregnancy brain fog. I have never forgotten so many things in my life as I have during this pregnancy! It is definitely annoying because I am used to having a really good memory.
        I have also been thankful enough to have my childs father involved majorly in this process. Although he has not been able to come to most of my appointments because of his busy schedule, he has been there emotionally and physically for me. I dont think any woman should have to go through this alone. I really am thankful for everyone that I have in my corner and very blessed. Although this experience is almost over, I can honestly say I will miss it just a LITTLE bit! (LOL) I am at the end and I am very ecstatic to meet my handsome little guy!

Want to share your pregnancy or the birth of your child? well we are here to listen, email us at be sure to send pictures!!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

All The Pieces of ME!!!

Love, like families, comes in many shades and dynamics.  These are stories of blended families who have overcome the labels that people have placed upon them. They are helping people to understand that they don't have to choose between being African American, Asian, Russian or Caucasian.. After all, we a want people to accept " All The Pieces of ME!!!" 

                                                                   Juliana Carmen Guzman
                                            A.K.A Juji             
                                           4months old

                                 Avan and Juliana getting their faces painted at the fair!

                                                          Avan, Juliana and Luis Guzman 

My daughter, Juliana, is Black, Indian, Puerto rican and French. "Colorism" has been a problem with our families as a multiracial couple. When my daughter was born, my mom said "I wish she would've come out a little darker." The next day, our Indian friends came to visit at the hospital and they commented on what a relief it was that our daughter came out light, like my husband.
Even at her early age, we have been striving to make sure she feels a part of both cultures. We listen to salsa on our car rides and she has lots of brown dolls. 
I also want her to know that she does not have to pick a side to be on. She is multiracial.

Gotta story to tell??? We want to hear it!!! send your emails to

Monday, September 12, 2011

Let's Kick It Up A Notch!!!

                    These little darlings give the boys a run for their money! Get 'em Pink Panthers!!!!

                                    Darvin "DJ" Johnson jr.  poses before working it out on the field!

                                              Racing toward the goal....score 1-0 Sparks!!!

                                                                    Go Sparks!!!

Congrats to the Sparks for winning Saturday's game!!! Both teams played very well. Staying active is the best way to socialize your child. Not only do they get a good workout, but they make new friends in the process. This also gives you a chance to meet other parents and make connections, especially if you are military! Check your local recreation center or your child's school to find out how to get your little person involved in inter-mural sports!

                                                                                                Tell us your stories!!!
         Did your baby hit a mile stone today? Is it your child’s birthday?  Got a funny story about your little tike, well we want to hear it! Send us your stories about your little person and we will share the laughs with all the moms and dads out there!  Email all stories, photos and videos to:  Please be sure to include your child’s age and name with all photos and videos. Don’t forget to tell us your location.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The Gift of Gab!!!

So my son is learning to talk and every day he has a long drawn out conversation with himself. I mean you would think somebody asked an essay question every ten minutes.  So today my muse decided to grace us with an interview!!!

Dressed up in love!!!

In The House of My Father, I Pledge My Love to Thee!!!

Samantha and Javaris Ford  were married this summer surrounded by friends and family. The Ford’s were recently stationed in Alaska, where we wish them the best! Javaris is in the United States Air Force. 

            A private winter wonderland!!!

Vivienne and Jeffery Korhonen at their beautiful winter ceremony. They were joined in love on December 30th 2010 :)!!! Jeffery is in the United States Air Force.

                                            A kiss in the moon light!!!

Diana and Ruslan Pislar were officially married by city hall on May 25, 2010. They shared their love in a wedding ceremony on June 04, 2010.  Ruslan joined the United States Air Force in October 2008.


                                                How to get your wedding picture featured???

·         Did you get married in your uniform and want to share? Send us your pictures we want to see!!! Email all stories, photos and videos to: Be sure to give us a sentence or two including you and your spouse’s name, when you got married and what branch of the military you or your spouse is a member of.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My little fatty!

So every time I talk to my mom she makes a point to tell me how FAT my son is. The conversation usually goes like this...." Hey ma" mom: " Hey Tokaree, where my big ole grand son at, wit his fat self?" me: "um ma my baby is not fat!" mom: "yes he is he look like he six months old!!" me: "he does not" mom: "Where is SHE-bastian (I swear it bothers me to no end that me mother insist on calling him shebastian... I mean gosh lady its pronounced Sea-bass-chan) any who, it peeves me that people keep calling him fat! He only weighs 14.6lbs that's just a healthy breastfed baby! Honestly guys is that big? I dont think so! At any rate.... He's getting to that age that we let him taste foods. He dad let him taste watermelon the other day and his eyes lit up like "hmmmm what is this, this is not milk!". So keeping this in mind yesterday we were feeling adventurous and let him taste a little plain yogurt and he blew it off like I don't want that!!! So as we sit down for dinner last night he starts looking at my plate ever so longingly.He started giving me all kinds of googly eyes and charming smiles as I ignored him. So his dad asks if he wants some gravy from the cubed steak and he hit him with the "duhh" face. So he tastes it and is like yum!! So my husband sticks his fist in his gravy and puts his fist in his mouth. My son proceeds to go at his fist like a starving convict!!! When i say he had gravy everywhere, i mean he had gravy EVERYWHERE!!! He had gravy all over his bib, his sleeves, the creases of his little double chin and gravy juice under his neck! Needless to say my little fatty is almost ready for food!!!

·         Tell us your stories!!!

Did your baby hit a mile stone today? Is it your child’s birthday?  Got a funny story about your little tike, well we want to hear it! Send us your stories about your little person and we will share the laughs with all the moms and dads out there!  Email all stories, photos and videos to:  Please be sure to include your child’s age and name with all photos and videos. Don’t forget to tell us your location.

So hi!!!

Ok so I was inspired to create this blog by my three month son! He is starting to coo and tryin to talk and I thought it was the cutest darned thing. Since his dad is in the military and we are hundreds of miles away from our family, I post photos and videos on facebook so our families can see. The second video I posted I entitled it : The way I see it..... Sebastian Tokarr Wingfield telling it like it is! It was just a random video of him talking, but people started commenting as if they understood what he was saying! Thats when the lightbulb went off in my head..."ugh duh" why not start a blog for people to post and share funny videos of their kids!!! As a young wife and mom I think this would be a great way to make friends, trade advice, and share our pregnancy and baby photos and stories! I hope you guys enjoy it and remember have your cameras ready because; KIDS TELL IT ALL!!!!