Saturday, November 12, 2011

Baby Mozart!!!

Today i decided to pull out my keyboard and practice. While pulling out my hair watching the youtube video of the Charlie Brown Christmas song trying to play it, my son starts fussing. I started talking to him to try and calm him down but it was clear he wanted OUT of his bouncer. So i picked my little brat up and sat him on the bed in front of the piano. And wouldn't you know the darnedest thing happend.....he started to PLAY!!! Well i guess you just have to see it to believe it!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Just Breathe!!!

As Monday approaches, i find myself trying to be more and more up beat about my husband going to train and deploying. I was watching Toy Story 3 with my son and i started to tear up. I dont know why but i just got sad. I have to keep reminding myself it's just two weeks. And once i get over that part i have to tell myself its just 6 months and then he will be back. But so much can happen in 6 months!!!  By then our son will be walking and saying real words. He will have teeth and know how to chew things. I can go on and on about the milestones he will miss and then i spiral deeper into sadness. I know that he will be serving our country but he is irreplaceable in our lives  no matter the reason. Like every Troop over sea's missing their childs birth or 5th anniversary, I know he is happy that he has a family to return home too. And when i put things into perspective i have to tell myself........JUST BREATHE.

Bring Out The Candy!!!

Traditionally, All hallow's eve was a pagan holiday to celebrate the dead. It is said that the veil to the spirit world is at its weakest, which allows you to communicate with your deceased loved ones. Since being on base i have realized that a lot of people don't celebrate or know the true meaning of Halloween. Most american's associate it with costumes and buckets of candy. Not really knowing it's true meaning, they dress up there children as Batman and princesses, and follow behind them as they walk around the neighborhood collecting goodies. Whether you believe in ghost or  simply choose not to acknowledge them, there is no better excuse for you child to dress up as there favorite super hero or character than Halloween!!!